Celebrating Together
Give a Meal to Those in Need in Honor of your Special Day
What is a Seudas Aniyim (Meal for the Needy)?
There is a beautiful old tradition of hosting a simultaneous meal for those in need during our wedding celebration. Known as a Seudas Aniyim, meaning "a meal for the poor," this practice has been cherished for generations. In simpler times, this meal was held at the same time and in the same location as the wedding itself.
What is the reason and the source for the minhag?
It says in the Zohar that “On the day of the wedding, there is also a mezik (bad spirit) who comes and tries to interrupt the celebration. And in case that the person brings the needy to his home and he is feeding them, the Mezik is leaving and not coming back!”
It is also said in Midrash Tanchuma that by taking care and making God’s children happy (referring to the needy, widows and orphans) God is making you and your children happy.
So how can I fulfill this tradition today?
The Rebbe said on 13 Elul 5751:
"It should be publicized that it is fitting for all those holding weddings these days, including and especially, to arrange a meal for the poor, as was the custom among b'nai Israel in times past, where every wedding included a meal for the poor, and specifically, it was there that the best was given!"
In Kfar Chabad, Israel, hot nutritious meals are being served and delivered daily to the needy and less fortunate.
You can sponsor a meal to be served to those in need on the special day for you or your child's wedding. You have the flexibility to select the date and the number of meals you wish to provide, ensuring that hot, nutritious meals are delivered to people in need in Kfar Chabad and surrounding areas in Israel.
Just scroll down and select the date and quantity that you would like to sponsor: