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Our Mission

In Kfar Chabad, Israel, and the surrounding areas, countless families—especially the elderly and those with loved ones serving at the front lines—are facing urgent needs. Every day, 2,000 individuals receive a hot, nutritious meal, which for many is their only guaranteed source of nourishment.

Beyond meals, this organization helps cover medical, dental, educational, and daily living costs like rent, groceries, clothing and shoes. This organization is under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchak Raskin of Kfar Chabad, Israel.

To further strengthen this important work, Kfar Chabad USA was established to ensure the organization can continue its mission and support all those who come seeking help.



The organization first began in 1958 when a group of individuals came together to assist with expenses before Pesach and it was called Maos Chittim. Later expanding its efforts to help individuals for Tishrei and Shabbos expenses, adding the name Simchas Shabbos V’Yomtov. The Lubavitcher Rebbe himself would send a check twice a year to support the cause.

In 2007, under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchak Raskin, the organization was formally established as a non-profit. The current name is,

כפר חב"ד מפעלי חינוך תרבות רווחה ופיתוח

Kfar Chabad Educational, Cultural, Welfare and Development Enterprises.

Then, in 2011, a state-of-the-art, government-approved kitchen was created to prepare and distribute hot fresh meals daily, and ensuring those in need have their essential needs met.

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